In order to reduce the adverse effects of greenhouse gases on the earth, the Indonesian government requires construction players to implement sustainable construction. Director of Construction Services Development, Directorate General of Bina Konstruksi, Ministry of PUPR, Indro Pantja Pramodo, revealed that various related regulations have even been made by the government. For example, in Government Regulation (PP) number 14 of 2021 concerning Construction Services and Ministerial Regulation (Permen) of PUPR number 9 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Sustainable Construction.
It is said, in PP number 14 of 2021 article 84F paragraph 1 states that construction service providers must apply the principles of sustainable construction.
‘It has become a criterion for business entities and labour to conduct sustainable construction business in Indonesia,’ Indro explained. One of the steps to realise the implementation of sustainable construction, the government recommends the use of Non Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) or Non-OPC cement. Even in the context of the PUPR Ministry, a PUPR Ministerial Circular Letter has been issued regarding guidelines for the use of Non-OPC cement.
However, Indro admits that its application in the field is not easy because it needs clearer technical guidelines (juknis). ‘The circular letter can actually be a technical guide for construction players. But it lacks detail so there needs to be additional explanation,’ he said.
Quoted from : kompas.com