Support the acceleration of development and ecomonic growth in Indonesia by paying attention to conservation and natural policies on sustainable development. Motivating all domestic cement producers to be good and healty industrial citizens.
Promote and protect the common interess of its members. Encourage a feeling of friendliness, togetherness and mutual trust among its members at a level that is acceptable to both the goverment and the wider community.
The principal objectives of ICA are:
1. ICA activities are acting as a bridge and channel of communication, consultation, and information with the government and other relevant institutions at national, regional as well as international levels, in accordance to supporting the control of efforts to prevent damages and pollution to the environment.
2. Supporting and promoting the utilization level of cement and concrete, construction material and cement products for building material as well as other efforts.
3. Supporting and promoting the realization of quality standards and certification in relation to the cement industry in a continues manner
4. Promoting energy saving and efficiency by among other things developing alternative and renewable energy
5. Promoting the application of Good Corporate Governance in undertaking business activities