Jakarta – As the supervisor of construction services, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) encourages sustainable construction principles that pay attention to the environment. Director General of Bina Konstruksi Rachman Arief Dienaputra said that one of the efforts to implement sustainable construction principles is the use of […]
In order to reduce the adverse effects of greenhouse gases on the earth, the Indonesian government requires construction players to implement sustainable construction. Director of Construction Services Development, Directorate General of Bina Konstruksi, Ministry of PUPR, Indro Pantja Pramodo, revealed that various related regulations have even been made by the […]
The industrial sector is said to be the culprit of emissions that cause air pollution in the Jabodetabek area. Cement is one of the industries blamed for this, amidst the high demand for infrastructure development in the capital city and its supporting areas.However, based on data from the Ministry of […]
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to encourage the development of green industries in an effort to support the government’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. One of the steps is through a breakthrough in increasing efficiency in the use of electrical energy in the industry by utilising Waste […]
Refuse derived fuel (RDF) produced by the Jakarta Provincial Government at TPST Bantargebang, Bekasi, has begun to be sold. Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono said the RDF price offered is 24 US dollars or equivalent to Rp 360,000 per tonne. ‘We have a limit of 24 US dollars. That’s […]
jpnn.com, JAKARTA – Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono released the first truckload of alternative fuel from Bantargebang TPST waste processing. Dozens of these trucks will go to cement factories, namely PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (Indocement) and PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI). This is a follow-up […]
The cement industry has the opportunity to grow in 2023 despite the oversupply sentiment. Consolidation of a number of cement companies and increasing demand for cement for infrastructure development are the drivers for the industry to grow. In addition, the energy transition is also contributing positive sentiment to the growth. […]
Infrastructure development, especially in the nation’s capital, will support cement demand this year. At the same time, coal prices are sloping which could ease pressure from production costs. In research dated 21 February 2023, Ciptadana Sekuritas analyst Muhammad Gibran, sees the relocation of Indonesia’s capital city from Jakarta to the […]
Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Ruang Laut Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP), mengapresiasi PT Semen Padang yang telah berpartisipasi dalam mendukung Gerakan Nasional Bulan Cinta Laut melalui program Nabuang Sarok Semen Padang. Apresiasi tersebut, diwujudkan melalui penyerahan sertifikat penghargaan kepada PT Semen Padang. Penghargaan tersebut, diserahkan oleh Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Ruang […]
Permintaan semen bakal meningkat karena adanya pembangunan infrastruktur. Di sisi lain, harga batubara perlahan melandai yang akan menjadi katalis positif bagi emiten sektor semen. Research Analyst Reliance Sekuritas Ayu Dian melihat adanya peningkatan permintaan semen dari adanya pembangunan infrastruktur yang tercermin dari naiknya anggaran infrastruktur. Asosiasi Semen Indonesia bahkan telah […]