<a href="https://asi.or.id/id/industri-semen-indonesia-dorong-peningkatan-teknologi-dekarbonisasi/" title="Indonesian Cement Industry Encourages Improvement of Decarbonisation Technology" rel="bookmark">Indonesian Cement Industry Encourages Improvement of Decarbonisation Technology
<a href="https://asi.or.id/id/pelaku-industri-semen-diminta-prioritaskan-program-transisi-hijau/" title="Cement Industry Players Asked to Prioritise Green Transition Programme" rel="bookmark">Cement Industry Players Asked to Prioritise Green Transition Programme
<a href="https://asi.or.id/id/asi-targetkan-pembangunan-di-indonesia-gunakan-semen-ramah-lingkungan-akhir-tahun-ini/" title="ASI aims to use eco-friendly cement in Indonesia by the end of this year" rel="bookmark">ASI aims to use eco-friendly cement in Indonesia by the end of this year
ASI at a Glance
2020 is a tough year for all industrial sectors, including the cement industry. The condition of the national economy which was deteriorated due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic also greatly affected the cement industry sector, where the national economy experienced a decline of minus 2.07 percent compared to 2019.
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